Weekend Coverage 11:00am - 3:00pm . . . (269) 360-7109

Tax Deductions for Home Owners

Jeremy Drobeck of Amerifirst Home Mortgage meets with tax expert Dennis Greenfield to help people learn about some of the benefit's to home ownership. Having the ability to take the mortgage interest deduction can in turn open up a whole bunch of other write-offs. Things such as state & local taxes that were paid, property taxes, charitable... Read More

How To Dispute Property Taxes in Michigan part 2 – The Board of review

Last time we talked about why you might dispute your property taxes. Now learn HOW! Step 1 - File with the board of review Form L-4035 Step 2 - Appeal in person if at all possible (you only get a small window each year and will need to set that up in February. Don't miss it)... Read More

Property Taxes: Tax Tribunal part 3

What Do You Do When The Board Of Review Says "NO!"? Here are a couple Pointers: In my experience the Board of Review almost shoots you down, but the appeal process at the State Tax Tribunal has a reasonable non-bias person there to look at your appeal - GO TO the Tax Tribunal! Don't be... Read More

Fighting your property taxes and assessed values

Thinking your paying too much in property taxes? You might be! I look up a lot of property taxes and find that most homes are selling for less than what the local assessors are saying they are worth. Perfect example would be a home I bought for $25,000, the home was NOT a forclosure and... Read More

Need Money To Fix Those Frozen Pipes?

Buuuurrrrrrr! It's Cold outside! With all the cold weather + foreclosures = FROZEN PIPES! We have a program to finance all that work into the loan. Its called our 203k renovation loan. Not only can we finance in busted pipes, but all sorts of things from kitchen remodels, bathrooms, additions, finish basements, etc. . .... Read More

Happy Holidays !!!

I wanted to wish all our past customers, Realtor & builder partners a very happy holiday season. I really appreciate your business and support this past year. I am looking forward to this ever changing market and another successful year in 2012. Check out the video staring Kalamazoo Mortgage Advisor Jeremy Drobeck and Loan Processor... Read More

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Unlock the Potential of HUD Homes 2.0: Financing & Repair Solutions for Real Estate Agents

HUD Homes: A Lucrative Market Niche for Real Estate Professionals

**Note time an location slightly different from prior years

HUD Homes present a unique opportunity for both real estate agents and their clients. These government-foreclosed properties often offer competitive pricing, making homeownership more accessible to a wider range of buyers. By understanding the nuances of financing and navigating the repair process, you can unlock this valuable market segment and help more clients achieve their homeownership dreams.

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