There are lots of reason to appeal your property taxes. The main one being that it can save you money. I look at what properties are selling for and what they are assessed at everyday and more often than not they are assessed significantly higher than what they are selling for. That can only mean one thing . . . You’re paying too much in property taxes! In this video we talk about the why and how to check to make sure your being taxed fairly. For some additional info also check out this document put out by the City of Kalamazoo.
Step 1 – File with the board of review Form L-4035
Step 2 – Appeal in person if at all possible (you only get a small window each year and will need to set that up in February. Don’t miss it)
Step 3- Take as much info with you as possible, you must make your case.
Don’t be scared of these guys! It’s easy to do and doesn’t cost you anything! Be prepared to get REJECTED!!!!!! – Watch the next video that’s where you learn how to appeal and win!
In my experience the Board of Review almost always shoots you down, but the appeal process at the State Tax Tribunal has a reasonable non-bias person there to look at your appeal – GO TO the Tax Tribunal! This is where many people see their tax reduced.
A couple pointers:
The process
Overwhelmed? Visit Advanced Property Tax Services can help for a nominal fee.
Exciting news for first-generation homebuyers in Michigan! A new down payment assistance program is set to roll out soon, making the dream of homeownership more attainable than ever. This innovative program aims to help individuals who are the first in their families to purchase a home overcome the significant financial hurdle of a down payment.
Key Details:
While the full details of the program will be released on January 29th, here’s what we know so far:
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